Friday, March 5, 2010

Of Last Year at Marienbad

The French New Wave genre bothers me. I appreciate the groundbreaking techniques they've done for the world for cinema but alas, these techniques just feel forced. Breathless, for example, feels like it's just using jump cuts for the sake of using them. While Last Year at Marienbad, on the surface, is a frustrating film within this genre, I mean ultimately it's an hour and a half back and forth conversation of "Hey I know you" "No you don't", there are several key artistic elements that give the narrative open for interpretation. Ultimately, giving the impression that Last Year at Marienbad is better than the sum of its parts.

Many consider the artistic cinematic style of the film to be too perplexing. While this is true it almost always gives the impression of a dream-like state. According to the reading this week, the film's protagonist "X" is perceived as an outsider and "a rebel against [...] ritual conversations". This explains the chaotic editing in the beginning when all the characters are
conversing together. The camera constantly moves back and forth between conversations, ending and starting them abruptly, so the audience doesn't connect with these characters the same way the protagonist doesn't connect with them.

The constant surreality of the film gives this idea that possibly, the narrative is all merely a dream or all just a figment of "X"'s imagination. One can perceive this idea through the idiosyncratic dialogue and surreal imagery. Many of the dialogue in the film seems unnatural, emotionally disconnecting; something everyday people wouldn't say in basic conversations. There's even a moment where a poem is spoken in the background on loop by the narrator and later by characters in the film. This abundance of idiosyncratic dialogue gives the premise of what is going on isn't exactly real and possibly just a dream.

Another surreal aspect is the imagery and use of shadows. There is one noteworthy shot where all the people have dramatic shadows while the trees have no shadows at all. Other aspects involve playing with the conventions of editing, featuring jump cuts between the bar and "A's" bright room flashing back and forth and more noteworthy, when "X" thinks he may have raped "A", there's a scene where the camera quickly zooms in on "A" arms extended. The zoom flashes over and over again in a perplexingly jarred fashion. Even the film's score is so oddly out of place at times, using extremely haunting and dramatic chords for mere establishing shots, that it seems like the background music for a nightmare.

This surreal and dream-like atmosphere gives the idea that perhaps the events of the film never really happen at all. Whether it's all a dream or all just a delusion of the film's unreliable protagonist.


  1. I agree with your comment on the imagery and use of shadows in this film. The picture you included is one of the most stunning images from a film that I've ever seen. Even as a still frame, it is extremely intriguing. It almost looks as if it is something Tim Burton got his ideas from, use of symmetry and what not.

    Surreal elements flood this film and make you feel like you are in a dream. But sadly, it is a dream that I want to wake up out of ten minutes in.

  2. In regards to the rape sequence, I never picked that up until we discussed it in class, but now I really see it. I think its a very unique use of camera work to display such a negative act, yet not really showing said act. I think many present-day directors can take a note from this and say "Hey, we don't really have to show that much to get our point across!"

  3. Taylor, you're making me laugh. Even nightmares have more action.

    Phil, you touch on the concept of the unreliable narrator near the end, and I'd have liked to see you play with that more within your very sharp discussion of how the various cinematic techniques work to create all the perceptual disjointedness.

    I share your opinion of New Wave--I appreciate it more intellectually, and more after watching this movie a couple of times, but all the tricks for tricks sake thing tends to bug me too. This movie is one of my favorites of that movement, as well as Godard's Alphaville.
